10 Things to Know if You Encounter a UFO

3 min readAug 27, 2022


The video you will find below in the recommended section is just precious. This is just regular folks who had an experience with a UFO. A disastrous one. They were clearly exposed to radiation. They reported military involvement with the UFO. They even sued the government. Guess who won that. Whether it was aliens or a secret, government aircraft malfunctioning can be debated, but should the government have been responsible for civilians’ medical care?

NASA Should Just Say It: We’re Looking for Goddamn Aliens

UFOs sightings have left witnesses with radiation burns, brain damage and ‘perceived time suspension’, according to interviews in newly released Pentagon report from 2010, an article that clearly demonstrates the UFO phenomena was being studied and harmful side affects have been known since at least 2010?

If you believe Betty Cash, Vickie and Colby Landrum, we’ve known since the 80s! If you accept Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters movie as evidence, seeing how much of what was in that film was based on actual UFO incident reports, since the 70s?

If you listen to Betty, Vickie, and Colby- can you leave a comment if you believe them? You can hear them for yourself, Eye on Cinema, rebroadcasts original interviews with them. Betty feels like a trust worthy grandmother. She is very clear. “If this thing did this to us, and the government said they don’t know about it, but they had those helicopters up there, we’re in a terrible shape.”

Well, ain’t that the truth. Here we are 75 plus years after Roswell and we still can’t get a truth response about a phenomena that many people are witnessing. Many people walk away from it with injuries!

Proposed US Memo to public:

So, given the most recent Pentagon document releases about UFOs, can we at least have a safety bulletin issued? Seriously, you can’t buy cigarettes without a warning label that ‘this shit might kill you.’ You have compulsory a label on your hair dryer that says, don’t use while in the shower. How smart are we as a species?

This is just me speculating. In the event of a UFO:

  1. Don’t stand directly under unidentified craft.
  2. Don’t shoot at craft.
  3. Don’t throw rocks at craft.
  4. Don’t touch the sides of the craft with bare skin.
  5. If it’s glowing, don’t look directly at it, wear eye protection.
  6. If you’re male, and they invite you on board, use a condom.
  7. If your hair starts falling out after an encounter, see your doctor.
  8. If you shakes hands with an alien, wash your hands.
  9. Cover your mouth inside your elbow if you sneeze; aliens might be as vulnerable to us as we are to them.
  10. Don’t make an X-File joke. Aliens are serious business. Per the government.

I don’t know, what else should we add to this list? This is just a rough draft. I am open to suggestions in the comments. Have fun with it, unless it violates rule 10.

Notice, rules and alien-human etiquette to be updated as further data becomes available. Let’s be careful out there.




John Ege

Written by John Ege

LPC-S, Director for MUFON, TX, and father of 1... Discovering the Unseen through Art, Word, Thought, and Mystery.

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