Member-only story
If you enjoy reading, and would like to support young and old, inspiring talent- and a non-traditional format- is a great place to find secret, treasurable books. Ebooks are the future- they are here now, and they are here to stay. This doesn’t mean holding a favored tome is gone. You can have that, too. You may one day old a paper tome that is also electronic and holds everything love, comes with dusty old smell and the tactile sense of turning pages. It might always just fall naturally open to the artifact you most want or need to see.
Reading is a treasure, and it is the secret we all hold in our hearts, made manifest for others. When you dive into a book, you’re going by invitation into someone else mind, their worlds- you see their heart in the myriad of structures that you have to navigate. It’s probably not an accident that ‘words’ and ‘worlds’ is only one letter different. It gives you insight to other, yourself, and the world. In the past, the technology limited us- we couldn’t all share our thoughts. We were told what to read. That changed over time. More content became available and the market began to shape the way literature evolved. We are in a new place history- now the market doesn’t just shape or constrain it- we participate directly in the evolution of many worlds.
Fan-fiction is a way that allows you to join in an unprecedented way with the stories and characters you most love. Joining doesn’t just open up pathways to the ideas in your community, but it is a portal for you to contribute. Maybe you find that…