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Economics 101
Bad Math Equals Bad Politics
We are family. All families are impacted by one bad actor. A brother or sister, or a parent who has an addiction or gambling problem could severely harm the family. People tend to marry their opposites. Spenders marry savers. Between the two of them, there is balance. Balance and negotiations are the skillets we lack most. Philosophically, I am not opposed to allowing more immigrants, but as New York is discovering, there is a limit to space, social structures, and goods and services. Maybe we could handle more people if we stop sending billions to fund wars, which causes more pain and suffering and migrations. Basic math, you want to do more to help the world, you always secure your home and well being first.

This is political, but it is also philosophy. Perhaps you will not remember a time in our country where the people wanted to focus on peace and love. There were folk songs like, Blowing in the Wind.
How long will we fund wars? Perhaps the answer is blowing in the wind, or it is…