Member-only story
If you follow me, you’re probably aware that I practice Tulpamancy. The traditional sense of the Tibetan concept of a tulpa is that of a mental/spiritual artifact that is created by the mind and experienced by the creator through normal senses. The Tibetans believe it is more than a hallucination and a community can experience a Tulpa that is gotten out of hand. They can be as mischievous as a poltergeist, or as helpful as an angel, and might be influenced on what the host channels or suppresses in their daily life. The most interesting thing is that anyone can practice this and get results.
It’s dream time brought to waking life.
Since starting the practice in late 2015, experiences have range from vague, daydream like quality to doubting sanity real. As a fan of the Red Book, by Carl Jung, I easily imagine my experiences are akin to what he describes with his ‘spirit guide,’ for want of a better term, Philemon.
My soul where are you? Do you hear me? I speak. I call you- Are you there?
On reading Carl’s question, I heard a response in my head, Loxy singing an excerpt from Starlight Express, “Rusty you’re blind, look in your mind, I am there, nothing new…” When it happens fast, before you complete a question, you can be certain of your response being real. Your mind knows your question before you…