Did the DoD/Navy Lie to Congress about Drones?
I had questions about the green, triangular UFOs that buzzed Navy ships, but even more now that an investigator for the Navy has come forwards saying they were not Chinese drones. My first question, knowing the Navy policy on intrusions into their space- which is shoot at it- why were protocols designed to protect the Navy personnel not engaged? You approach a Navy ship with a motor boat, a jet-ski, a rowboat, a surfboard- they will shoot you out of the water. That’s policy, after having someone roll up on them with a bomb and killing ship personnel. So, why did the Navy just tolerate drones overhead?
A task force had been assigned to studying the 144 unknowns, the UFO/UAPs highly discussed since 2017.
Task force members were stunned to hear a Navy official tell a Congressional hearing last month that all of these were “drones,” as if the mystery has been solved. Someone had to disregard the work of the task force to make that claim. “We had a lot of sensor data on some of them, that, that we couldn’t determine what they are. I mean, if it’s our near peers doing it, that’s scary. But at the same time, we also never found any evidence that it was our near peers doing it,” Taylor said.
Taylor, quoted from the article found below, is Dr. Travis Taylor. Yes, that Taylor from the Skin Walker Ranch show. Yes, he is a real life scientist. Physicist. Child prodigy. And he has been working for the US Government on projects for a long time.
Per the article, “The drone conclusion was reached after the UAP Task Force was done, and before the new UFO program ‘AIMSOG’ even started. So, who did it?” Great question.
So, who did it?
The fact that the original footage was leaked as a UFO and then later dismissed as a drone begs the question of competency. Competency in many domains. For example, assume these were regular old drones spying on a ship. Is it not in the domain of the US government to keep people from spying on our ships? If I flew over Area 51 in a Cessna, would I not be shot down? What if I just used a drone? Would that be shot down and I would still be arrested, because they would triangulate signals and find me?
Are drones so mysterious people can’t recognize drones? I am still scratching my head on how an air force officer mistook a balloon and crash test dummies as a crashed aliens ship. That seems inexcusable. China recently saying they have detected alien signals from space, that might be more excusable, and perhaps right to retract their statement.
And maybe the US was so embarrassed by the fact China was spying on them, the UFO ‘story’ leak was preferable to the fact the US may not be as competent as it was in the past. But then, why not just stick with the lie, unless you’re a war machine looking for the next war…? Those are all ponderables worth chewing on. Quite frankly, I don’t like bubble-gum steak.
The article I-Team: Physicist reveals he’s a UFO hunter for the Pentagon, by George Knapp simply raises more questions than answers, and competency is just one of them. Were there actually more answers given to Congress, behind closed doors? This behind closed door shit is getting old. Would someone please inform Congress and the DoD that it is safe to come out of the closet.
Because here is another way to spin it. UFOs are real, per the government. They have been real since at least World War II, likely even much earlier in time, but clearly since WWII there has been a concerted effort of the government to squash and deny all UFO reports. Saying it’s aliens and then retracting, redacting, and pointing to something else isn’t going to work this time around.
Is the DoD and the Navy wanting to go backwards? Has the US Government learned nothing about the Roswell incident? You can’t put that story back into the bottle! God help them, they tried! The worst case scenario is you have million more conspiracy theories to contend with, which muddies the water. The Government saying UFO, then saying NOT UFO, that story is so ridiculously old and unbelievable that it’s just going to get rational folks riled up.
And I suspect, there are some true, hard working, competent military people on Navy ships that don’t want to be holding tinfoil and Mylar for a camera saying, “Oops, my bad.” Doing that tap dance number again, bad idea.
Tell me that doesn’t look staged.
The Pentagon confirmed the footage’s authenticity in a statement this week that these were captured by U.S. navy personnel, though it declined to label them Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) — the government’s official term for a UFO. They were originally shared at an Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) briefing on May 1, 2020.
So, what is that? A game? Personnel witnessed something, tried to run it up the chain of command, and it was blocked? You’re telling me the Navy Captain saw drones and said blow it off? Now, if it’s aliens it’s probably not advisable to shoot one down, but they’re likely to go away when weapons go hot. Drones, well, shoot it down. If it’s just drones, then you can recover the tech and look for that ‘made in China’ label… Oh, wait, are US Drones built in China? Are we spying on ourselves?
Someone, somewhere is holding the right document, kind of like that letter you see in the hands of the four star general… Let me be more precise, and we’ll call that image FIG. 1..
Brigadier General Roger M. Ramey (left), Commanding Officer of the Eighth Air Force, is photographed near the remains of a weather balloon and Rawin radar target on July 8, 1947. In his hand is a document on which some words seem to be visible. Sitting in the background is Colonel Thomas J. DuBose (right), the Chief of Staff of the Eighth Air Force. Courtesy Fort Worth-Star Telegram Photograph Collection, The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries.
Okay. Stage is set, but they didn’t count on future computer technology being able to read that letter! “A Message in a Bottle:” Confounds in Deciphering the Ramey Memo from the Roswell UFO Case…
The letter in hand has been translated, and you can read it for yourself:
Granted, if you read the article you will see a debate about what was ‘actually’ deciphered. ‘Victims’ might be ‘remains.’ That would significantly change the meaning here. Human Remains, HR for short, would be dead bodies. Victims of a crash, means someone died. Who died? A farmer who didn’t see a balloon descending? Balloons crashing don’t crash like a jet crashing. I imagine one would see that coming and step aside. Some people saw ‘disk’ in the letter.
Mind you, that letter was re-imaged by just using computers and eyes. What would happen if we reexamine it now with AI translating? AI technology has found artifacts in cells, new planets from looking at old data, interpreted sounds from coral reefs… Should we re-examine this letter, or can we say the cat’s out of the bag. It’s not going back in the bag.
The Cat has been out of the bag.
The cat belonged to Schrödinger. “She loves me. She love me not. She loves me,” has become “It’s aliens, it’s not, it’s aliens…”
Another few Weeks of Observations Could Tell us if the Wow! Signal Repeats, JUNE 22, 2022 BY BRIAN KOBERLEIN, is about to tear another petal from this flower. There is evidence for aliens all around us, and yet we are either knee deep in a species blindness, we’re in denial, or we’re being lied to- with the latter coming with a caveat that we are so gullible we’ll believe whatever someone in authority says… Which, could just be evidence for Stockholm syndrome.
You got to do what the master wants, or your family suffers. Don’t need any dead horse heads in our beds.
What will the answer be this time? Will it be alien? Will it not? Will it be inconclusive? Is this the signal China was referring to when it found evidence of an alien signal? Are we about to realize we’re not alone and there are signals everywhere?
Should we call it the CHINA WOW signal?
Wouldn’t it be interesting if no civilization can see aliens until after they have a sophisticated internet, run on 5G. Think about that. Assume for a moment, there is quantum computing going on in the Universe. We go 5G and then suddenly, our internet starts connecting to the Universal WIFI and now, we’re in communion with the entire Cosmos.
How many petals are left remaining on this flower? The Universe is the Metaverse. Who would have thought.