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Dolphins Speak
Dolphins have names for themselves. That’s old news. But apparently, in one recent study, dolphins have names for friends! There was actually two articles on this, one discussing auditory signatures designating friendship, and one recognizing others by the smell of their urine. Which reminds of me of this time I asked, do you suppose dolphins have fart jokes?
I remember reading articles in the past about dolphins having names. They didn’t call it names. They called it ‘auditory signatures,’ or ‘signature whistles.’ Would a name by any other name sound as sweet? Seriously, why can’t we call it what it is.
One of the reasons I decided not to pursue my masters in Sociology was an argument with one of the staff. I wanted to lead the argument by quoting Marx, one of the highest regarded sociologist in sociology. His argument was, the difference between humans and animals is that we have language, especially written language.
I wanted to argue that was an unfair, and likely biased assumptions. If we assumed dolphins… Conversation screams to a stop. Mind you, I wasn’t going to argue that dolphins are sentient or have sociology, I was simply going to say… STOP! Dolphins can’t be discussed in sociology.
Well, why not? Marx made an argument about the difference between humans and…