Fair enough, Dan. If you read me enough, you will find I rag on both democrats and republicans. I don't like either. I am a libertarian, and believe less government and the middle way allows for greater liberties.
republican or democrat, neither have the consumers best interest. If banking, 401k, laws are meant to protect the consumer, then there would be caveats that allow consumers to freeze their money or relocate monies to safer vehicles without penalty. Republicans and Democrats have consistently favored banks, and corporations, over consumers.
I hear that you have formed an opinion and committed to a side. Yay you. But to side my side is illogical, and not recognize your side is equally not logical, and is hurting people, too... Well, isn't great we still have sufficient freedoms where you and I can dialogue? Cause for a while, that wasn't true. You couldn't say immunity through exposure was better than vaccination, even if you were a doctor, but now, Johnson and Johnson have said that very thing? Have you heard about it? Has the CDC or CCN told people to back off antivaccers? No. I am not against vaccinations. I got my shots. I am completely against people not being to disagree. Are you?