Fair enough- I am not offended by you preferring a more statistically accurate, mathematical statement. I am throwing darts, using a qualitative summary of a number of books I have read, including the one in the article, 'After.' Have you read After? Have you read any of the following? I am curious, because I am wondering if you did a casual survey of those, would you find the statement more accurate? If we were to restrict the qualitative measure just to reincarnation, and we find that people switch races, genders, and religions- with no preferential or favoring of philosophical ideals- I would interpret that to mean religious ideology is irrelevant to eternity. There is even some evidence that people with prejudices against race, gender, or other religions usually end up in the body of a person that was the thing they were prejudice against. So, maybe not completely irrelevant if the goal is to mature souls through direct experience of suffering. What do you think?
Doctor Brian Weiss, Many Lives, Many Masters
Doctor Michael Newton, Journey of Souls
Doctor Raymond Moody, Life after Life
Dolores Cannon, Between Life and Death
Linda Moulton Howe, Glimpses of Realities, Volume II, High Strangeness
PMH Atwater, The Big Book of Near Death Experiences
Richard Martini, Hacking the Afterlife.
Gil Carson, Yellow Book: History of the Aliens on Earth
Thomas Campbell, My Big Theory of Everything: Awakening, Discovery
Robert Monroe, Journeys Out of Body
Ingo Swann, Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy
Ingo Swann, Psychic Sexuality: The Bio-Psychic “Anatomy” of Sexual Energies
Dean Radin, Real Magic
David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order
Micahel Talbot, The Holographic Universe
Anthony Peake, Is There Life After Death? the Extraordinary Science Of What Happens When We Die: Why Science Is Taking The Idea Of An Afterlife Seriously