Member-only story
Whether you’re interested in reading or writing, is a platform you should visit. There is some really great fanfiction to be found here. I am not saying that because I am an armchair author, show casing my work there. Oh, you can bet your ass I am going to do that, even here in this post- but not just because I want to increase my readership. You can use me as a measure of something- subtle success, the post industrial artist, something different. Free-ebooks has opened doors to me that I wouldn’t have had twenty years ago.
Let’s face it, traditional publishing has always been difficult to break through. This is not a lament or a bashing of the traditional path. I would certainly like to do traditional. Traditional has proven itself fickle; it may also be another dinosaur on the road to extinction. “50 Shades of Gray” was really not well written; specifically, it didn’t hold my interest and I was a little perturbed by grammar issues. Not like angry, I love the author, but by the time I read it, it had gone through traditional publishing and apparently, ‘they’ didn’t proof it. I suspect, ‘they’ did that out of spite to the author. They were clear in their statements and attitude that they did not want to publish this. The best part of “50 Shades of Gray” to me was the author’s story. E L James is my heroine. She wrote fanfiction. She was discovered. And she did well. Yay! How inspiring is that?! Whether I liked the story or not is not the important part. She had something. She took a chance and made herself vulnerable and in doing so, she was discovered. How many people…