Good morning, Rick. This is some sharing here! :) I am happy to meet you. I, too, experience Tinnitus. 24 years of Aviation, hearing loss didn't help, though my Tinnitus has been around since childhood- likely due to medications I took for Asthma. That's a guess. It is sometimes annoying as all get out. I sometimes wondered if it's related to anomalous experiences.
I have tried a couple things, which I still practice to minimize the life disturbance of Tinnitus. If you're a fan of Star Trek: TNG, every time you are on the ship you hear this background noise of life support systems. On planet, there is a noticeable absence of that background sound. I try to reframe my Tinnitus as simply life support. The other thing I do is try to cultivate Tinnitus as a Lucid Dreaming trigger- if I don't hear it, OH, I'M DREAMING! OR I am on an Away Team. :)
I developed a secondary hearing condition called Hyperacusis, where I perceive sounds as louder than most people around me. Things have become so loud over the years, the softest clink of spoon against a coffee cup results in me experiencing pain. I rarely attend movies anymore, and movies were a joy in my past. The hearing specialist say this is the result of hearing loss, and brain trying to compensate for that loss, aggravated by the fact I tried to minimize sound exposure and wore hearing protection, which resulted in brain turning up perceived volume in increments over time. This increased till I was ready to do self harm wanting to make myself permanently deaf. That's when I said, oh, fuck- I should probably see a hearing specialist first. lol.
I have likely always been sensitive, due to trauma, which likely also influences hyperacusis. Trauma and anxiety corelate to this condition.
I've not noticed self hypnosis as being effective, perhaps because my inability to do self hypnosis to the depth necessary to get results, or I am psychologically attached to this thing for now- I have not been able to adjust the 'perceived' volume down. I have also tried to use the sound board of my mind to turn down the Tinnitus. No luck. I have tried negotiating with those cells that are registering the frequencies in the Tinnitus... In addition to the above, I considered reframing it as a carrier wave permanent universal frequency, and it's my wireless connection to others... The meditation technique I have used the most is TM, and I fall in and out of practice.
There is a water garden in forth worth, the scene in Logan's Run where they emerge from the city- that's the one water fountain i am referencing. You descend down into that and meditate- and the sound of water fall is thunderous, absent, then thunderous... as your attention goes in and back out... Tinnitus is a lot like that for me- if I can attend elsewhere it's less troublesome- in isolation, I am frequently aware... I wonder how many people would get annoyed with a hum or feedback sound while watching a movie? Or hearing it too loud... Isn't perception the damndest thing? I can't imagine what it's like for you, having spent your life in music. I started out in music and let it go...
Hopefully some of these thoughts are helpful. I guess until I get to experience DMT breakout as potential remedy, I will likely keep this friendemy. I look forward to more discussions with you.