Member-only story
Government Intentionally Stigmatized UFOs
If governments can lie about big things, how many small things will they lie about?
There appears to be a FOIA document where the US Navy was clearly conscripted to target US Citizens who displayed any interest in UFOs, intimidate witnesses, and generally ridicule anyone who suggested there might be any evidence for aliens driving UFOs. All government agencies were mandated to lie about UFOs. This is not a new concept. It’s a foundational aspect of UFOlogy since Roswell. The government’s active and brutal campaign to block the US citizen didn’t just hurt the US, but has harmed humanity by blocking environmentally sustainable technologies and improved health care. The severity of the harm and potential backlash may be hindering disclosure. What will it take to get the truth?
Thanks to Kristian Harloff for pushing this UFO story. The injuries of folks in UFOlogy are real and too many for one essay. The coordinated attack against Doctor John E Mack, Harvard Chair holder in psychiatry, stands out as the obvious hallmark
Perhaps there was genuine fear that initially started the secrecy. By all accounts, aliens have been taking people, reproducing with them, making hybrids, stealing genetic material, and even living here among us…