Haha! I should have read your question first, Ed! I was just asking the same thing. I think this is the first time I read of RNG being used in UAP research. Are you familiar with the Global Consciousness Project? The idea was to place Random Number Generators, independent, most run by universities, all over the world and monitor their randomness. Apparently, per Princeton, I think they initiated the experiment, there have been events that occurred where the RNG stopped being random, locally and simultaneously around the world, and there is significant correlation. For example, 9/11- the RNG, around the world, stopped being random. Even more interesting, the RNG stopped being random directly prior to the event- suggesting a conscious recognition of event prior to actual event.
So, I am guessing, and hope to hear from these fellows, or that they answer your question- my guess is- RNG stop being random during a UFO sighting, or maybe significantly less random before a UFO shows up? I think that's an interesting thing to explore, but I am not sure how you corelate it with UFO/UAP activity, if a world or local event could also result in less randomized numbers. But that would be an interesting corelate, too- UFO/UAPs are responding to human or earth conscious awareness prior to an event as well?
Also, the RNG thing, I like the concept and what it seems to suggest, which is spooky, but I didn't think mainstream science was discussing this or using it in general, or even theorizing about the data, which seriously suggest information can travel backwards in time. OMG, my head is exploding and I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee! :)