Have you considered society is presently grooming children and adolescence for sex work? Look at streaming videos, and platform. Children, adolescence, even adults are rewarded with virtual currency, some of which it can be translated into real currency. The more boundaries the 'artist' push, the larger the audience. Men are predominantly the audience. I wouldn't say this is just because men ae at fault, or because of conservatives. Young men, boys, regardless of their parents' affiliation, with parents' credit cards, get clicked bait in. Kids are more likely to be home along the computer while their single parent is at work. People (especially children) are curious. Males tend to be primarily visual, and they are the primary users of all the platforms, twitter, youtube, etc. If there is a channel available, children will gravitate here and they will emulate.
We voluntarily go into servitude. People today measure their self worth on their size of their audience. The average wages of men are declining. The average wages of women have been steadily risen to their average pay being more than man's pay, with the exception of CEOs. Most platform stream for free. The corporations who run these platforms are benefiting from free workers and from free viewers, who tolerate a commercial here and there.