Hello, Pamela. This is one of my favorite crop circle, it just stuck in my brain. I know there were a couple of hoaxers, as pointed out by Allen, the sheer number of crop circles, and the complexity of some of the crop circles, such as this one, and the witnessing of orbs during the creation of some... they may not all be hoaxes. Just like, just because one UFO is explained by a weather balloon, doesn't mean all UFOs are weather balloons... I want to see the hoaxers recreate this over night...
what really interests me is the part of the message "We Oppose DECEPTION conduit CLOSING." I have pondered over conduit ever since. Wormholes?
Then I read this: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/genesis/media/jpl-release-071702.html#:~:text=Called%20the%20Interplanetary%20Superhighway%2C%20the,particles%20for%20return%20to%20Earth.
NASA's interplanetary space highways... essential lanes in space/time due to the alignment of planets that allows for matter to travel faster in these the way a marbles might move across the bed spontaneously if you shifted bowling balls around... If planetary alignment affects travel in the solar system, would it affect communication? A conduit, a lane, super highway? And if this exists in the solar system, is there a corollary between stars in the galaxy, where maybe one can get to another star faster than one might using rockets? Everything is moving. Conduits exist for a moment. Just like opportunities. The other part of that state, being opposed to deception. Who is deceiving whom? I am a little bothered by this crop circle.