Hey, Larry.
I watched that, too. It's interesting. I also liked
I really like this forum. Sometimes it feels like a conversation. I am wondering if it is unfair to say 'years behind.' Though the author may not be tracking what you're tracking he is still thinking, and risking thinking in a forum that can result in a conversation, like what you and I are doing. I suspect I can name half a dozen PhD level people who promote a 'consciousness' first paradigm. Heck, I can probably add half a dozen promoting 'simulation theory' as an explanation for the universe and everything.
Did you ever read the book, "The Man Who Tasted Shapes?' by Richard E. Cytowic. He is a Neural Science. Granted, the book is old. It came out in 1993. Did you know he was discouraged from studying synesthesia? He was ridiculed and the subject was dismissed. Now it's a recognized phenomena.
You may wonder why I mention that, as it could support an argument for brain only, consciousness is an illusion. Except for one thing. He made extraordinary statement in that book, one I find interesting which seems to coincide with simulation theory, or the holographic universe. I am paraphrasing, as I don't have a copy of it in front of me, but first chapter, you can find it, last two paragraphs: "in the past we believed reality was outside of us coming in to form consciousness, but it may be more that it originates inside us and is projected outside."
It's peculiar statement from a neural scientist. He says it and doesn't come back to it. Maybe it was too peculiar, and he was hopeful it would just slip by the readers. Or, maybe, it was so hard writing on just the subject he was writing, he didn't want to unpack consciousness further than he had.
It's also interesting that the scientist that invented the EEG did so intentionally to explain an experience he had that suggested ESP is a real thing. He was ridiculed for this, he is hardly ever mentioned in science because of his beliefs in ESP. But we have no problems using his EEG today for collecting valuable data. Maybe some of the human experience are nonsense, but if not for people like Hans Berger, EEG inventor, or even Francis Bacon who is credited for critical thinking came upon this by looking for evidence for the Devine.
Just saying, discussions and ridiculing are two different things.