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I Believe
I Believe I Can Touch the Sky
I sometimes forget. Maybe we all need reminders. My Post-It Note For Optimism: Star Trek
There is a flavor to the Firefly found in the theme song, “you can’t take the sky from me.” It’s got kind of Western touch, cowboys in space. The Original Trek, that was meant to be a western, essentially the wagon trains to other planets. The Next Generation, that was bigger than a Western, with sets that felt more like First Class meets Corporate America.

Over the Rainbow is somewhere between “I believe I can fly” and “I will touch the sky,” found in Enterprise lyrics. The original theme did have lyrics. If you didn’t know there were lyrics, you will find Tenacious D singing them below.
It’s not just the vehicles that take us there. It’s the music, it’s the words we use daily that either soar us or sink us. The stories we tell, it’s okay to have darkness, if there is purpose and utility to remind us that we have a ways to go before the discovery that we always had the power to go home.
Miles to go before we sleep? Will we sleep in the stars on in the Earth? Can I caress the face of God and not want more?

I have squandered so much life, not in daydreaming, but in arguing about the dream. I want this. I want this for me. I want this for us!
The dream was so inspiring that even King Jr stated his family favors this. Dream this, family, dream this! Nichele Nichols, carry on this dream.
Is she there now? On the ship, opening up hailing frequencies. I know. There was way more to her life than this. We all have much more to our lives than this. She is the icon, the archetype of science and music and communication. She is one of my counselors.
Star Trek was my beginning. I would like it to be my end. Maybe it’s a dream, but do you know of any better? Does this art not inspire you? I suppose if you think about it, the scale of this thumbnail is not right. Blue Angels doing a salute across the saucer, that feels right. In my head, the Enterprise is…