I really want to like Tyson. I have liked him. I have been furious with him. I have wanted to just have coffee and chat with him. I still would love to chat with him. I want to believe he actually believes, but has inherent fear of reprisal. If he is scholarly, being aware of the consequences for going against the paradigm means he is thinking things through. Except, Loeb seems to be fairing okay.
I seriously sit here and try to understand and wonder, am I really naïve or stupid for holding my position? I was watching TMZ analyzes the U.S. government's official response to UFO... where Corbel, Elizondo, Knapp, Melon, and several other well established government representatives clearly articulate UFOs are not human technology. They are not mincing words. They're saying its not human. If anyone with half a scholarship were to do a cursory book review on this subject, it would seem reasonable to conclude it's not weather and it's not balloons.
I do appreciate that the acceptance of this as a valid topic changes everything. But isn't that the entire point of education? If I can earn a degree in religious studies, recognizing religious studies is frowned on by the hard sciences, then isn't UFOlogy at least worthy of a degree in Philosophy?