I suspect no one truly grasp the magnitude of the moment, but you, my friend. You have the clarity of the second childhood. Are we adults but a blink moment?
Did you ever see the bridge video, where it feels like the bridge is swaying and may tear itself apart, and the people on it are walking strangely? There is ting wherein that moment, everyone's steps becomes intrained. It is actually the people walking that is bringing about the bridge's imminent collapse. I wonder if this is the thing to contend with, and it's in our failure to get out of step with others, to walk gently and quietly upon this earth, that the world calms down?
All moments in history are excitingly leading to the next, but this moment, this moment feels big! OMG, the weight of it is truly stifling to the point when i look back at all my perceived crisises I think I was a fool. Or, should I say survivor? I made it through that to be strong enough to do this? Sometimes this feels unbearbale. But maybe this is the place I step out, tap out, and interject compassion and calm, to the degree I can...
God bless you, your friend, and lovely Gina. My mother is knocking on the door your friend is. That door that is in all our future. I do hope it's the door in the paul mccartney song at the end of that long and winding road. :)