I think that's a win. I mean, I am troubled by so many other countries recognizing the 'cancer causing agents' and ban them, but the FDA approves them? The health problems, including cancer, diabetes, ADHD, obesity... If that's all linked to these chemicals... And the government and the companies know it... What do we call that? A crime?
If the public knows it and they have been blocked from using a government by the people for the people to protect the people... is that a war crime? Treason?
Graham, I love you and we have great conversation and threads. I seriously hate American politics. When I perceive how regular folks have been blocked from recourse, their voices diminished I feel strong emotions. If we were to not look at the agents the people have to chose from, but instead look at what the people are trying to do, we get a bigger picture. The agents are like chess pieces, and the public is just trying to get their needs met and keep their families safe and healthy.
there are so many things that need fixing, where do we start?
But if you and I can do this, if we could all do more of this, just talking, maybe the solutions would come easier? I consider you and several others on this platform good people. I read yours and their work. I highlight, I participate, and I we mostly agree. If Medium realized that this is one of the best things their platform gave us, more people would write here. One of my friends came before Medium and I seriously thought that friendship was lost. He is still there. That's a measure of true value.
I am grateful.