I wonder if adding "I would add: Where were “you” (if anywhere) before “you” were conceived, and what will “you” be after death?" is obfuscation, where as 'we' don't know or I don't know is more direct and honest.
Quoting Ecclesiastes is interesting.' We return from where we come' could also be rarified, 'we come from the universe from which we came,' as opposed to thinking so regionally. After all, science has emphasized stop thinking so regionally.
The more interesting part of quoting that inspiring text, beyond the dangerous of intermixing 'incompatible' domains, is that by definition it is a source for spirituality, which has very specific answers to where we came from and where we go. Were you intimating that this person should return to his religion of origin? Were you striving for humor? Do you find this reflection satisfying?
Grappling with aliens necessarily means humans must better grapple with themselves, their relation to all things and all others, and especially with our own human consciousness. If I allow that you are the only physicist to openly say UFOs are real, and aliens are real potentials, I must now wonder are you are 'nuts and bolts' only guy, or does this allow for expansion of consciousness, too? Just because you're a physicist doesn't mean you're a materialist. I suspect others, not just Bohm, hinted at another level of existence. Who said 'you can't get behind consciousness?'
For as long as there have been religious studies, there have been UFOs. Extrapolation, the wise men didn't follow a star, it was a craft! Stars don't move, don't hover, which is just like saying, natural, interstellar asteroids don't accelerate. The reports of reincarnation, or near death experiences, and other transcendental states, whether you deem them nothing more than Jungian archetypal paradigms, flights of fancy, genetic transference of memories, or just anomalous social myth making- there would seem to be a correlation to the conclusions you're attempting to expound on here and what others have been saying since what, Ecclesiastes? Since the Rigveda?
So, I have to wonder, if the people deemed the smartest in the realm can't connect the dots better than the average 7th grader, or not be more genuine, like saying, "I don't know. We have all this stuff on the table to consider, and I may only be looking at this small part that interests me," as opposed to dismissing a really important question, 'where do we come from...' what are people to make of this? Science, sir, diminished the spiritual beliefs, but in response to the question, you quote the spiritual beliefs.
I would like to see at least one flag on the field before we try to run this ball further towards the goal.