The Matrix

Is Hollywood Hell Bent on Destroying Movies???

John Ege
6 min readJan 2, 2022

Heads up, if you haven’t seen the Matrix, I am likely to discuss some things that could potentially spoil the movie for you. I don’t want to do that if you’re determined to see it. I do want to save you some money. Wait for the DVD. The thing is, I love movies. Well, I used to love movies. I don’t know who to be mad at. I still love Keanu Reeves. I can’t be mad at him, right? I mean- I know he isn’t a dynamic actor, but he does have clout. Could he have said, ‘this script sucks, come back when you have something better?’ I hear he is a smart, thoughtful, extremely generous person- and the original Matrix was seriously existential and thoughtful, and just the right movie for him. This? What is this? It feels as bad as the Last Jedi was bad, and I almost think it’s deliberate. Hollywood is tired of making movies, and so they’re hoping we will stop going or stop caring?

The biggest plot fail for this movie is they (the writers)hooked Trinity up with a new love interest. Sure, her husband is a plot contrivance, and he is a 2 dimensional, nonsense character, but they also gave her kids. This is a tough situation, and there is no easy way around a potential love triangle. Unless, that is, all the writers are fresh out of college and have yet to have a successful relationship… That might be one reason Hollywood writers…



John Ege

LPC-S, Director for MUFON, TX, and father of 1... Discovering the Unseen through Art, Word, Thought, and Mystery.