"Jung believed that humans are naturally religious."
Is this precisely true? I can argue for and against it. So, humans tend to be so dogmatic that protocols for functioning become religious prescriptions for life, which is why science sometimes shoots itself in the foot trying to maintain that status quo as oppose to accepting data that suggest a theory may not be accurate.
However, if Jung was really saying all humans are naturally spiritual, like believing in things unseen... I can argue for and against this, too... lots of folks better than I have, but what if we're all actually naturally spiritual because ultimately that is what we are?
Not this incarnation or body, but something that transcends... Cause Jung also had those experiences, and if we assume all people have the same spiritual experiences at some point in their life- then... here we go round again...
I suspect what I am getting at is that Jung will distinguish between religion and spiritual. that doesn't negate your statement... but here I am wondering.