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Paranormal Gateways

Koans Versus Memes

Whether it’s spiritual, scientific, or psychological, the way you think alters your reality. What vehicle are you driving?

John Ege


If intelligence was sufficient to overcome depression and anxiety, there would be no smart depressed and anxious people. There is something more to the equation that modern society leaves out. How you view that statement, such as being intentional, accidental, or out of ignorance, alters your view on society. None of those options of categorizing may be accurate, but if you follow them, it leads you somewhere. If it’s not real, it leads you nowhere. If it’s wrong, it leads you away from right. If it’s right, but it still blows you and society up, how right is it? What if your awareness is a sense organ in its own right? Could you learn to navigate reality without thought words or emotions?

Wu Wei and the Koan: The greatest secret was never hidden

Library of the Untold, hosted by Joseph, inspired this essay. This essay will likely be convoluted, but hopefully still on point. That said, I recommend the episodes mentioned herein, starting with Wu Weir and the Koan.

A koan isn’t a riddle. It is a paradoxical, spontaneous statement that results in an epiphany. No foreknowledge is necessary. No study, no interpretive gymnastics, no negotiation of terms are…



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