UFO, Telepathy, Tech

Mind Reading, Mind Control- It’s Not Coming, It’s Here

John Ege
10 min readDec 1, 2021

In the original series Star Trek, the computers could be used as a lie detector. They simply confirmed whether a person’s statement was correct or incorrect. In Star Trek: the Next Generation, the ship employed a telepathic counselor. The polygraph machine, also called the lie detector, was influenced by a number of people, a confluence of tech, and most notably used by psychologist William Moulton Marston, who would also go on to create Wonder Woman, under the pen name Charles Moulton. Wonder Woman, and her golden, magic lasso, would get more than a yes or no from those who were tied up.

Me: I was oh so much younger then… INCORRECT

Technology for reading minds exists. It’s gone from simple yes or no questions to being able to read and recreate images as seen, imagined, or experienced by the brain. It is difficult to distinguish between imagined and experienced. That statement may seem spooky, but it’s not a new theory of mind due to an advancement in technology. It’s been known in psychology for a long time- the brain does not discern the difference between an imagined event and a real event- the physiological repercussions are the same.

Mind Reading fMRIs

Initially used to determined if people in comas were experiencing the condition known as ‘locked in,’ scientist…



John Ege

LPC-S, Director for MUFON, TX, and father of 1... Discovering the Unseen through Art, Word, Thought, and Mystery.