Member-only story
I don’t vote. I have voted. I was young and naïve and believed the rhetoric that I mattered. When I say I don’t believe my vote matters, I am not saying I am filled with self-deprecating, ineffectual humility or self doubt. I can put a cup of water in the ocean- it’s not going to change the salinity or the height of the ocean in any measurable way- other than a cup. However, if there is ever an absolute tie- an emergency that requires my participation, you can come to me then. I will expect to be paid for arbitrating the outcome.
Did you know it’s illegal to sell your vote? Why? Isn’t that capitalism at its best? Companies pay for advertisements to influence me, why not just skip the middle man and pay me direct?
I won’t vote again. I am not saying that to make you mad. I don’t expect you or anyone to stop voting. I suspect hearing this will result in you experiencing emotions; it probably makes you mad. Everyone of the persons I speak to on a regular basis, friend, family, co-worker- it irritates them to no end. It seems impossible to avoid political discussions these days. I have had family and friends de-friend me because of my positions, and I have de-friended family and friends for similar reasons. No, not perfectly. In my case, it wasn’t that I don’t want them to have their opinions, I just didn’t want the constant barrage of noise, much of it being hate and contempt for others, the disparaging names, the ridicule, and the fact this was my space. I would like to be able to breathe.