Okay, It’s Aliens. Now What?

We’re moving beyond whether or not it is aliens. The biggest question is, where do we go from here?

John Ege
10 min readDec 2, 2023


Ryan, aka UFO Jesus, and Jay Christopher King had a lovely, hour plus conversation on the Post Disclosure World, asking the right question. What now? It was observed that most UFO shows and media make the argument for or against. Some ask what might be the phenomenon that we’ve overlooked from present to past. Now it’s time to move forwards, perhaps not with the Stages of Grief, but certainly with acceptance. Non-human entities are here. Now what?

There is still some speculative discourse to be had. Some of this has played out in science fiction and fantasy of the past. I can think of two particularly fun episodes of the Twilight Zone. How to Serve Man, 1962, based on a 1950 short story by Damon Knight, had an interesting twist. Humans, it turns out, are on the menu. The other, 1986, A Small Talent for War, chastised humanity for merely playing games and not being more deadly serious about war. Both episodes had bad outcomes. The Day the Earth Stood Still, 1951, probably stands out as the first, true testimony of how we should be regarding our fellow Universarians.



John Ege

LPC-S, Director for MUFON, TX, and father of 1... Discovering the Unseen through Art, Word, Thought, and Mystery.