People seriously don't understand several of the points your writing raises. First, and foremost, for the country that is supposedly the most 'enlightened' medically, we have the least public understanding and compassion for those experiencing mental health. Second, we are all on the continuum of mental health, every day, and are simply one crisis away from losing our cool. Third, Facebook is the worst measure of social connectivity ever invented, and has been demonstrably linked to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and likely more suicides than we have accounted for, and that was before the realization that it doesn't matter if you even rise to the level of the President of the United States in terms of social status, you can be ex-communicated.
We do not happen in a vacuum. We are more than the illnesses we are labeled with. Even without a DX(diagnosis) of schizophrenia, any one of the childhood artifacts you mapped might result in a life time of loneliness. I am impacted by your writing, because I have touched all of it. Even so, I have no clue what's it is like for you and your brother. I am sitting here, thinking about the illusions and delusions that Facebook offers, and how crushing it is to exist but not exist. Sitting here, hopefully waiting for a response...
I wish you and your brother well, a sentiment that is not a reprieve from your existential angst. We may be all isolated in our capsules, connected and not. How do we change this? I have no answers.