Member-only story
Consciousness First Paradigm
When it comes to consensus reality, most humans tap into this story as if the story itself were real. We see reality as a continuum of past, present, future. We believe, mostly due to experience, that we age in chronologically consistent way- 1 day at a time, inching forwards. We have evidence our perception is not quite accurate. Astronauts on the space station age a little bit faster than we fellows on Earth. Clocks in orbit tick faster than those on earth. That doesn’t seem to negate the chronological forward progression of time, it just means units of time are not consistent for all points in spacetime.
It’s not just that Russel Conjugation, or essentially semantic games, that influences our perception of reality, but that our brains participate in the constructions of the realities we perceive. In group think I was privy to, this idea was summarized: “The basic principle of Russell Conjugation is that the human mind is constantly looking ahead well beyond what is true or false to ask ‘What is the social consequence of accepting the facts as they are?’” So, we sort facts, we sort the intent of agency and the words they use, we sort ourselves and our emotional response to the words used, and we sort through social lenses, and finally we do math and decide on a direction.