SMALL QUNATITIES is not what's being measured. And that's not what the NASA scientist that proposed this theory is saying.
But yay you. Did you follow the links and complain at every level of person presenting same information? Did you write that Scientist and argue with him? Did you go on the real Jimmy Roberts and argue with him? I am not going to argue with you. Yay you for taking a stand. Freedom of speech works both ways, doesn't it?
"The high concentration of Xenon-129 atmosphere, the evidence from Krypton-80 and the detected pattern of excess abundance of Uranium and Thorium on Mars surface, relative to Mars meteorites, first seen by the Russians and now confirmed by the Mars Odyssey Spacecraft Gamma Ray Spectrometer, mean that the surface of Mars was apparently the site of massive radiological events, which created large amounts of signature isotopes and covered the surface with a thin layer of radioactive debris enriched in certain elements relative to its subsurface rocks. This pattern of phenomenon can be explained as due to two large anomalous nuclear explosions on Mars in the past."