So, the Pluto size planet collision theory is the simplest answer? We have to invent a narrative of two planets colliding 500 million years ago to have an explanation that Occam's Razor is satisfied? That's a reach. I am not saying the alien explanation isn't reaching, but to assume a splinter of planetary fragment after collision in the billiard game we call the universe/life, without having laid eyes on a thing, or knowing precisely the chemical composition, in a context where the number of planets in the universe was a speculative variable until we started finding planets... I don't know, hubris? I mean, it wasn’t a just ‘planetary’ collision theory, it was a collision of two ‘Pluto sized’ planets. No other types of planet or trajectories can produce splinters? 500 million years ago? Fairly precise, too. Why not a billion years ago? I am surprised they didn’t pin it down to a particular solar system.
Seriously, why can't we just stop at "I don't know" ??? Why can't we just say, 'this is interesting and I would like more data' ??? We make a lot of assumptions, maybe too many. You can find articles about life that says life in the universe is rare or the universe is teeming with life. Based on what, a sample size of one? It seems safe to assume if life is a natural process, and nature abhors a vacuum, it's a certainty life happened out there, too. And if there are others making probes, like we are, we will eventually encounter one. The most interesting statement Loeb made was, 'as long as we're looking for extraordinary, we may never see the ordinary.' Loeb wasn't saying definitively this is alien, but that we need to start allowing that to be an option. We need to start thinking we're not alone and get ourselves in the mindset, because at this point, regardless of what this was, we will meet aliens.