Member-only story
Public Health
Shall we break from UFO stories and do a quick rant? I promise, I won’t get stuck on fluoride in the water, whether it’s good or bad for you, or that you don’t have a choice that it was added to your municipal water. Yeah, there is evidence that it may actually crystalize your pineal gland, but you don’t really need your whole brain. We could probably cut that bit out, like the appendix- it’s a vestige of an old, obsolete evolutionary model. No, this is even more insidious than even that.
Look, you and I both know fast food is not quality. It’s eatable. We like it. And my good friend Russel, find the video below if you need to laugh while crying, said it with more humor than I, about just seeing the words makes you salivate. We have been conditioned to love poison.
But they can’t do that, you say. It’s against the FDA. Well, like all government officials, they were bought and paid for by lobbyist to give you the illusion that they are there for your best interest. I am not saying they don’t have teeth and can’t bite. They don’t want doctors treating adults with narcotics, so if you’re a child diagnosed with ADHD and you turn 18, we’re going to cut you off. Why? It’s bad for adults? It’s not bad for kids? Or, by giving narcotics to kids you’ve done killed their ability to do anything useful with the brain…