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The Spiritual Aliens
Soul Light, Soul Technologies, and Simulation Theory
Perhaps Delores Cannon hit a home run with her book Convoluted Universe, but convoluted is suddenly feeling like a crazy understatement.
I get tripped up every time I hear about blue light. No, this is not K-Mart special, but yeah, I’ll even wonder how that got started and if there is a correlation. Probably not. That’s just crazy talk, right? Might make a person tune out of a conversation. Then I hear Maria Lupita Gurulé telling her story. She had an NDE. She saw the light. Specifically, the blue light. I hear it with NDEs, UFO abductions, from Lucid Dreamers, and meditating Tibetan Buddhist Monks. Maybe there is no correlation at all here, but then again, wouldn’t someone have to make a study of it to rule that out? And to study all of this, you’d have to be a generalist, and probably solid in Jungian therapy, because there is a connection there, too.

If you do happen to watch the Next Level Soul episode below, you will likely think I am nuts. Fair enough. She mentions the blue light and dives deep into her philosophical understanding of her experience. The host doesn’t catch it because he hasn’t heard ‘blue light’ echoed in any of his other interviews. But her next words are…