Member-only story
The Challenge
Stealing Starships
Psionic assets are the new buzzword. Turns out it’s not just Remote Viewing, it’s Remote Influencing. Uncle Sam needs psychics.
If I remember the conversation correctly, remote viewers Ingo Swann and Joseph McMoneagle were having a conversation about UFOs. This is not verbatim, so using my words, confabulated embellishments are my own. Ingo, exploring space remotely, found a sleeper ship, in which there were bodies, either in suspended animation or perhaps androids. He freaked, bailed, came home as fast as waking up from a dream. He shared that with McMoneagle, to which McMoneagle said you got lucky you didn’t trigger the trap. It was a Souls Trap, a thing just waiting for an unsuspecting soul traveler that let curiosity get the better of them. But is it a trap, or a test?
Angels, witches, demons, remote viewers, all of us… We are the soul points, the orbs. Witches were invoked because we know this, sideways, revealed in fiction, like Wizard of Oz. Good witches, at least, travel by soap bubbles. Bad witches, brooms. If reality is a simulation, you can travel by candlelight. Pocket spaceships, no spaceships, have spacesuit will travel.
If remote viewing can take you to another planet, instantly, you can be on that planet. More…