This Story

Tale as Old as Thyme; Seeing Them

Psychic ability, modern day term remote viewing, previously known as second sight, or ESP is something we all have, but can be improved, learned, acquired… if you dare.

John Ege
10 min readOct 13, 2024


Some things require a preamble. It’s not enough that Glenda the Good tells you that ‘you have always had the power to go home.’ You wouldn’t have believed her. You would not have known the goodness within your own heart had you not faced the darkness. You would not have known you had the darkness within your heart if you did not encounter good. Why are we on this sacred journey? You need not look. You can continue to walk blindly. Indeed, it is an act of bravery walking the path blindly, teasing out each cobble stone with a trace of your toe before securing each step. Ignore the giggling from the bushes. They’re amused by our dancing in the dark. Why do you think we have an edict to dance as if no one were watching you?

To begin with, I was enticed here. I will share that video, but also links to the original text that inspired even that. I was lured. Perhaps tricked. Could ‘Robert Kirk’ be the character ‘James T Kirk’ in Star Trek? Could a book written in 1815 have subtly influenced Star Wars. There was a Sith in that book. Creatures who…



John Ege
John Ege

Written by John Ege

LPC-S, Director for MUFON, TX, and father of 1... Discovering the Unseen through Art, Word, Thought, and Mystery.

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