Thank you. Unfortunately, wearing hearing protection aggravates this condition. So, as it was explained to me, I had hear loss. I told them no I didn't, and showed them my annual hearing tests over twenty years of working at the airlines. I had steady decline, and three reports that showed more loss than what OSHA allowed for, but I was still passed.
Conversely, as I was losing hearing, my acuity seemed to be increasing. So, to compensate I began wearing sound suppression technology everywhere, in the gate house, at the store, even at home. My condition was essentially brain responding to hearing loss by turning up the perceived volume on what remained, and so the more I wore hearing protection, the greater my perceived acuity became.
The treatment for the condition is re-acclimation to sound through exposure, not avoidance. I seriously rebelled against the treatment, too. They wanted me to wear hearing aids, and apply pink noise throughout the day. I tolerated the hearing aids for a about year before I quite. I found them too much of a nuisance most the time.
But it also revealed to me how much hearing I had lost. I was reduced to tears on realizing just what I was missing.
Some days are easier than others, stress affects it. The other day was just one of those days where I rolled through an extra-sensitive moment... When the brain is tired, tolerance decreases- for almost everything.