Human Sovereignty

The Art of Knowing

John Ege
8 min readApr 24, 2022

The Greek word for knowledge was gnosis. The Gnostics are those who believe humans have knowledge, a sliver of the divine within them. All humans. We only need look in, not ascribe to experts or governments. This is an important theme, found in the hero’s journey, whether you’re Dorothy from Kansas, or Luke from Tatooine- the quest is to discover the power with in. Hypnosis is the practice of making unconscious knowledge conscious. Hyp, in this case hypo- Greek for beneath, as opposed to hyper or over- coupled with gnosis translates into knowledge beneath our conscious understanding. Just because you don’t have a conscious idea of something, doesn’t mean you don’t have bearings, or that you can discern the validity of a thing. Intuition then is practicing the subtle art of trusting yourself. But can a person push past trust into full knowing?

Hypnagogia: The Trippy Mental State That is the Key to Deep Self-Discovery

Hypnagogic experiences, most often referred to hallucinations- something unreal- is likely not as unreal as people might like it to be. It is a knowing. Maybe it feels real because there is an inescapable reality to it. It’s a knowing that comes as one falls into sleep. Durations vary, but they’re usually lightening quick and so vivid person is awakened to their normal reality, where they force themselves to relax, and return to the process of sleep.



John Ege

LPC-S, Director for MUFON, TX, and father of 1... Discovering the Unseen through Art, Word, Thought, and Mystery.