The Consistencies of UFO Reports
There is a consistency over time of general UFO reports. There is an inconsistency of explanations. Explanations have ranged from absurd weather balloon stories, to Venus, weather, Starlink, and most recently drones. The explanations for UFOs are evolving, trying to force a persistent phenomena into a box of human understanding. The phenomena persists, defying human ability to understand.
Maybe it’s reasonable to curb speculative ideas about what the phenomena is without greater evidence. Wouldn’t that also mean that one shouldn’t rule out a phenomena without greater evidence? That’s not what humans do. We’re all over the map in terms of trying to understand this phenomena.
There are some people who hold more validity than others. Ryan Graves, Navy pilot encountering the phenomena, for example.
If the mysterious objects were drones, Graves speculated, “either [they] have some source of energy that allows them to stay airborne for very long periods of time or there is some massive operation involving hundreds, if not thousands, of [drones] and boats and they are constantly launching and landing and somehow we haven’t seen that.”
We have to remember these pilots are witnessing these objects hundreds of miles…