Per the US Government, there is an exponential threat to UFOs. How do you obscure a secret you want to keep hidden? You pay someone like Elon Musk to launch ten thousand, junk satellites so you can blow off UFO reports as nothing more than Starlink sightings. This Conspiracy Theory, presented by SecureTeam10, actually makes a lot of sense!
Consider the complaints of scientists saying how cluttered space has become, and yet- how much stuff has Musk has put into orbit since the creation of Space-X? More than that, Starlink satellites aren’t built for endurance of time. They have an expected life of three years, if they even work at all?
That’s not really a disparagement against Musk or tech. How much money is spent on creating one satellite by NASA, keeping it all in clean room conditions. If we were emulating nature, plants scattering a thousands of seeds at thrust, we’d go cheap and many and hope some of our scattered, artificial bodies continue to function in the void. For a species so determined to officially say ‘there are no aliens,’ we sure spend a lot of time and money worrying about contaminating the universe with life from earth.
Crazy, eh?
There is another Skywalker…
Sorry, little Star Wars joke there. It’s actually called Bluewalker. This proposed satellite will outshine all the stars in the sky to such a degree, ground based astronomy will be ended. So, scientist are worried about debris in orbit, and soon they will have give up astronomy as we know it because- well, we’re going to turn night into day!
Or, we’re giving up astronomy because it’s increasingly more difficult for NASA to hide the evidence “it’s aliens?!”
Add to that, advertisements are wanting to get into space, too. Coke adds on floating billboards. Holograms spanning the width of the moon, perhaps spray painted directly onto the moon’s surface the way Nasca lines were etched into the desert…
Oh, those lines were just advertisements for lines of products of the ancient people?
There is another StarLink
Did you know there is another StarLink? No joke. This company tweaked DNA in corn, likely to increase production, and was designated for animal consumption only. Somehow, DNA for this corn was found in taco shells being served to humans.
Don’t you know, I have questions. One, if you want to obscure data, do you necessarily throw as many Starlink references out there into internet void, scattering seeds to see what catches? Two, hasn’t science caught up to the fact, it doesn’t matter you if designate something for one box only, eventually everything ends up in the same damn box? I mean, that is the whole point and definition behind quantum tunneling, right?! Three, if taco shells are properly cooked, how did they find DNA from Starlink corn?
Jimmy cracked corn, and I don’t care… Seriously, we can DNA from taco shell sufficient to identify product line, but they can’t tell me the Nasca aliens are non-terrestrial beings? They can’t tell me there is still life on Mars?
“Teflon will never get into the environment.” Seriously? Scraping my eggs off the pot won’t put Teflon in me, my poop, and downstream from where I live in the ocean? Microplastics are everywhere? Forever chemicals are everywhere and all at once?
It’s not like I am opposed to tweaking genes. I am opposed to tweaking genes in such a way that crops die off forcing farmers to buy from one company forever, as opposed to giving products to the world that help the world without creating economic caveats that enslave the world.
Or decimating a million years' worth of evolutionary success and development. Yeah, aliens and God are in the long game. Humans are still focused on short-term yields.
Previously, we were unable to see the trees for the forest; now we can’t see the forest because we took down the trees. It was said a squirrel could go from Maine to California without touching the ground, but we solved that problem with Washington cutting down the cherry tree. That’s no lie! I think he also put a hatchet into that fellow known as Johnny Appleseed. We can’t go around giving the world free food trees. Cut them down!
We are unable to see the importance of microbiomes because of animal husbandry. We are unable to see the importance of insects until they’re gone, like no more bees no more humans. We are unable to recognize intelligence in other humans, and other animals for preferential economical overlay that focuses only on utility of beast.
Do you only appreciate your fellow humans and family because of what they do for you, or what you can do for them? Yeah, that’s Kenedy speech. Ask not what your country can do for you…
If it’s socially acceptable for a human individual to be independent and solvent, is it reasonable to expect a government and organization to be viable outside of taxation and profits? Can we create cities that are not leaches upon the world, but add to nature’s bounty?
We have a chance for the masses of humanity to finally start seeing UFOs are real for themselves, because our technology has finally enabled us to not only record these fantoms of the skies and seas, but additionally because we are able as individuals to connect and share beyond the limitations of the governments, corporate and media stranglehold over data.
We are connected together as one species. We should be able to commune with anyone at any time and share any philosophical point that fancies our hearts.
Humanity is fast approaching a level of freedom unparalleled since the first city states emerged from dark ages of humans wandering just slightly above the conditions of wild animals. So, how do the controllers of the world respond? They increase the noise level. More commercials. More drama. More junk in space. They create problems that likely don’t need to be elevated to problems. They levy war and threaten to level it all while they hold out in their bunkers beneath the surface.
They blind us with science, and mesmerizing words that instill fear over hope, and when that fails, they detonate a bomb, or blow-up food production plants to create scarcity because nothing drives up prices like a perceived threat to bounty.
They blow up pipelines so nations suffer. This barbaric, 2000 year old, outdated, economic overlay of cavemen bartering system needs to be scrapped and reinvented.
Starlink Versus UFOs
It’s likely easy enough to determine the difference between Starlink and UFOs. There are couple sights that will show what’s in your sky, only in present tense. I have yet to find one that lets me navigate backwards in time based on location to see if what someone reported over a month ago aligns with known satellite paths. One would think if you can find that data within a week’s range, the past data shouldn’t be so hard to get at.
From the point of view of skeptics, I would imagine such tools would be abundantly available so sighting could be easily ruled out, or at least- better corelated with known orbital events. It would also be nice to have thesse sights monitors so that past data isn’t rewritten to conform to a new sighting in hindsight.
Having such a site would be super useful for me, if you know of one. I did find one Starlink site that held correlation with a UFO report given me, but only because I responded to the incident within the window of time that allowed data to be trackable. Had I been two more days out, that site would have dumped the data.
A witness reported seeing approximate 24 objects pass over her home. For the same date and window of time, I had a list of 24 Starlink satellites that would have been visible from her location. Her description and my experiences of witnessing satellites myself, coupled with this list increased the potentiality of this being a Starlink sighting to such a reasonable degree that it made closing that case out as an IFO, identified flying object, easy enough.
These were not the close together train that is being shown in newspaper reports, or the 2019 Forbes article above.
There are still legitimate UFO sightings that go unexplained all over the world. The US is not the only country reporting these artifacts.
They’re not all Starlink.
It’s just kind of curious, though, that in 2017 the US government says UFOs are real, only to be followed up suddenly with another probable explanation beyond weather balloons… “Oh, it’s just Starlink.”