The Human Experiment
What if the greatest experiment of all is to see how much light we can bring to the shadow?
Be it God, aliens, monsters, by design or circumstance, many cultures seek to understand origins. In knowing where we came from we can predict an end point. In the absence of knowing, we have created stories, from giant spiders creating the universe, and we her children on her great web, to evolution. Perhaps none are satisfying because we are such a complicated species. We’re so vastly different, comparatively, to the other species on this planet that speculating we are the aliens is not unreasonable. Who are we? What are we? Can we ever know?
So, METAPHORICALLY, get ready to examine a Ouija Board. This essay is intentionally exploring some ‘woo.’ My friend Joey, host of the Podcast Library of the Untold, inflated the idea in my head that WOO is just an immature sound to disparage people who might touch this strange artifact.
Humans are strange. Physically, socially, emotionally, spiritually, but we are also wondrously strange. Too many of us just say we’re bad, too many of us hate humans, but in all seriousness our diversity and range of capabilities in multiple domains in and of itself something to be celebrated. Even the darkness we bring, from an eternal soul…