Member-only story
The walk, the talk…
The Moonlander Podcast
A little science, a little spirit, a little magic, and a little music, referenced not played.
So the Moonlander Podcast dropped. Oh, I had technical difficulties for sure. I am learning. My self-criticism was an all time high with the echo. “John, you ran sound back in the 80s, you should know these things,” even as I watch podcasts and wonder, why do they wear those headsets. I dropped a chat to one of my favored Podcasters, saying ‘you sure make podcasts look easy.’ She laughed, liked the video, and affirmed my suspicion… I need a headset. Well, of course I do! I am in the Moonlander…

Out of this came some criticism. Fair enough, too. I am grateful for ways to improve. I have given the power-point twice now. I think this second attempt at this power-point is better than the first, but ‘different’ is the better term. The first was better in that I had 25 people participating, which makes a difference. I prefer creating a group dialectic so we can test each other and feed off each other. Don’t get me wrong. I am a flibbertigibbet. I love to talk. Conversations are better.
Every time I give this presentation, it will likely improve. It’s not scripted. I relay on the slides to shape the flow.