The playbook for escalating war is easy to follow. Regardless on whether or not you believe the US just blew up a pipeline, which will result in hundreds of millions of people suffering come this winter, causing direct harm to the environment, and likely twice as much indirect to harm to the environment, it is clear- war seems imminent and US is jeering it on. How do we stop?
Probably the first thing we need to do is end regional propaganda. We need all human beings having access to all world news, not from Reuters or established media companies, because they’re in cahoots with profiteering off war, but from real people in all regions communicating to other people.
We need a network of real people speaking real things, without fear of censor by states that want nothing but war.
The world needs to unite against the US and say enough is enough. We’re tired of the endless wars. America has had its hands in every war since World War II. Since Russian entered Ukraine, the US has not entered one peace talk, but instead have been pushing weapons and sanctions, none of which has saved one life, not one Ukranian civilian, child, woman, or elder has been spared suffering.
While sat here, giving money, people died- because the money way tied to weapons and escalation, not a cease fire.
There was one thing that could have resulted in a cease fire. The US saying it won’t take Ukraine into NATO. The US being humble could have stopped all of this. The US is a force to reckon with, and it is likely the strongest nation in the world. Good moral leaders do not lead by show of force, but by wisdom.
War talk was always about last resorts. What US elected official is discussing peace?
The US is not leading us away from war, but into something that will be far worse in terms of human suffering and environmental impact than has ever been seen by man.
I am a citizen of the US. I do not want this escalation. I am citizen of the Earth, I doubly don’t want this. I know I only have this much power- the ability to speak- this needs to stop.
I know I can’t make anyone join me in saying, time to stop this. There will be those wanting vengeance for wrong doing. There are those in other countries angry, rioting, suffering war even now. Perhaps I, and other US citizens don’t know enough about suffering. The Russians certainly do. They have been through some pain, but they have come out and they don’t want this war, either, but they will not be bossed around by the school yard bully. America is the school yard bully.
Still, I don’t need cancer to know cancer sucks. If the US spent half the money just helping people that it spent on making weapons, what would the world look like?
I know these things are out of my hands. I suspect there is a greater power, God, or something or someone, who has more authority than even the powers I imagine are in play. I probably should worry less just allow things to play their course. I pray for intercession, but it may be, God needs us to grow up and make mature decisions, and if that is necessarily so, I pray we find our rock bottom without losing the world in the process.
Still, I feel it would be remiss if I did not say this course is stupid. I don’t like it. And so, if all I have is this space to ask, please, stop escalating, let’s talk, then, that’s it. Amen. I got nothing else.
Except perhaps, thank you, God, world, family and friends for this life, my life, the hopes and dreams I have had the luxury of holding for a moment. Thank you for this opportunity to learn courage!
I am trying not interject love, family, friends, nature, responsibility into the equations, since I assume that’s just constants in the formula we use for deciding right from wrong… War is still wrong, isn’t it? The constants are good reasons for not going to war?
Can we make an economic argument for it?
If I were the UK, I would double down on the Russian pipeline and work with them to repair it, and not buy one more US petroleum product out of spite.
Not having anything else to do, but pray, and speak my piece, my peace, I offer this poorly written, heartfelt plea, no more wars. There is enough suffering and wounds still yet to heal without causing more.
May there be peace and understanding. Where the can’t be understanding, may there be exceptional, radical forgiveness.