The thing that interests me about the sign is that it got commissioned at all. (I agree whole heartedly, a commissioned thing should be accurate. It should not read like John wrote it.) I don't know enough about sign making, or monument placement, to understand how a thing comes to be. Did it have a more public driven aspect than government? For tis to be 'approved' seems fairly significant.
Then again, Riverside Iowa placed a bronze statue hailing the future birth place of Captain James T Kirk... I am probably one of the biggest Star Trek fans in the world, so that makes me happy. I am sure there are non-fans thinking what the heck is this? Is the statue the equivalent of fan-fiction? Will CBS sue to have it removed? Will Shatner make up his mind if he approves or not? (Shades of I am not Spock, I am Spock.) Oh, Bryce, you must visit Kirk to determine if any of the language they used violates cannon, which will be difficult because JJ's changes heralded in a parade of cannon divergence.
:) You're awesome. Live long and prosper.