
The UFO Setup…

UFO stories persists, but the signs come and go in this simulated world…

John Ege
7 min readOct 6, 2023


Move lightly through this rambling. It’s just an easy, morning roll with coffee. No serious indictments or discoveries here. Broad Haven in Pembrokeshire had a UFO sign. It looked official. The city denied it and it came and went faster than a journalist who might have put it up because it was a slow news day. Or, an enthusiast wanted someone to know this is the place. Everywhere you have an experience becomes the place. Are you in a place?

Is the mind a place? This week, I resolved a MUFON case where a family saw some objects trailing the ISS. They identified the ISS pretty quick with an app. The other artifacts were likely Starlink. The 6 year old drew UFOs with aliens, airplanes, and denoted this with a circle representing the telescope with a line towards the magnification. It was the highlight of my week. I didn’t interview the 6 year old. The 6 year old demanded the parent share what he thought.

I have talked with 6 year olds. My own is pretty adamant, nothing to see here. Show me a UFO and I will show you an airplane. That’s a hard block! Looking back, I was that 6 year old drawing UFOs. Every mushroom I ever drew became a UFO, with windows and little aliens…



John Ege
John Ege

Written by John Ege

LPC-S, Director for MUFON, TX, and father of 1... Discovering the Unseen through Art, Word, Thought, and Mystery.

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