Member-only story
Spirit Life
The way of the earth is easy. It doesn’t take a rocket science to know there is a kinder way. Walk gently on the earth, for it is the island in a sea, the way a grain of sand on a beach is surrounded by oceans every time the wave sweeps in and away, turning the egg softly, watching for life to spring forth.
If every sand is so cultivated, why would be less fussed over?
Nature’s abundance didn’t come in fenced in farms, but in endless fields, long stretches of forest, and open seas. The human beings told us take it easy, for what you take now you take from your grandchildren.
Nature comes without fees, patents, licenses, or regulation. It comes with one expectation, share.
Walk the earth and plant seeds where ever you might chose to rest. If you find a place restful, others will to. Care for it. Cultivate every space. Let there be forests between your village and your neighboring village. Let every home have gardens, hens, pets, and children taught in the way.
Let the artificial wings that now wage war send our crafts, breads, jams, eggs, vegetables and spread them to the folks, and in return let these wings bring their trade and tokens. We all have gifts to share. All needs can be met. There should be no hunger in this present age.