Member-only story
They Come Like Angels…
When you think of advanced technology, like UFOs, add at least a hundred thousand to your projected timeline. This is not yesterday’s Star Trek metaphor.
Imagine having only the clothes you’re wearing. Nice shirt, pants, good walking shoes, maybe a jacket with a hoodie, but nothing else. Not even a cell phone. Can you imagine living without a cellphone? I remember a time no one had cell phones! You were literally alone in the wilderness! Now, no one is alone but living with irony that everyone is reporting more loneliness. But don’t worry. I am not trying to scare you out of your tech. Your future clothing will be a cell phone. And everything else…
We’re way beyond Star Trek. Voyager touches on this idea as it looks to the future. Discovery touched on it in an episode with wearable site to site transporters. 3D printing and other future tech, approximating or being Star Trek like replicators that can make anything from energy on demand, is the ultimate game changer. It is also the very technology that will kill commerce, economics as we know it.
It will change the way we socialize! Everyone who has everything, who is completely independent, will be less ‘friendly.’ That’s hyperbole, as I really believe humanity…