"This is the stupidest thing we can think of as an educated species, naming something as lame as Unidentified Flying Object, does this make any sense to you?.... The people who don’t have any work or aim in life, claim they have seen UFOs."
These two particular statements, back to back, suggest you are not up to date on the FACTS. If you're calling Naval officer, pilots, crew, 'stupid,' for observing artifacts that don't fit any known aerial vehicles, that defy known laws of physics and out performs everything in the US arsenal of defense, then that is bigger problem than you imagine. You don't give stupid people access to nuclear weapons. You don't let stupid people fly 100 million dollar jets. Just saying. When the Navy, Air Force, and the Pentagon says UFOs (now UAPs) are real, you should probably consider someone may know more than you, or at least have more evidence than you're willing to consider.
Military people are probably the most ethical, and driven members of society that you can have in any country's population. It is not like NAVY OFFICERS have nothing better to do when flying close to the speed of sound than to create a UFO story. The NAVY and the PENTAGON staff probably have much bigger concerns about country defense and all the potential conflicts in the world than to be making up UFO stories. They're busy people. They are trying to keep the world safe. And most of them, don't want this, which is why this subject has been ignored over the last 70 plus years. You heard me, there has been legitimate, military chain of witnesses and evidence that spans over the last 70 years that suggest there is more here than any of us know or can possibly understand, and so in 2017 when PENTAGON says UFOs are real, it vindicated everyone you just labeled stupid because they saw something you didn't find worthy of questioning. If you care about science, you should ask better questions.