Two General Types of Aliens- Good Versus Bad
When sorting aliens, it’s this easy. You’re either for transparency, knowledge, and choice, or you’re shadow, fear, and control.
The Farsight Institute of Remote Viewing has a history of humanity that is worth entertaining. As an academic exercise, you can couch the ‘story’ and artifacts easily enough in terms of philosophical and theological treatise to unpack existential meaning. In truth, all human exercises of art and literature are models for sorting truth. We are trying to tease out the meaning of life. Most of us have an innate sense of good and bad. We know there is a right way and a wrong way. We know there are tricksters who would lead us away. The question is, how do we sort the good from the bad?
I think it was McMoneagle’s, US Government’s psychic spy and remote viewer, who suggested there were four basic ways to sort aliens. Good and bad non-psychic aliens, and good and bad psychic aliens. If I understand the Farsight position well, all beings are psychics. Essentially, we are souls, or Is-Be(s), “S” for plural. The first time I heard the term ‘Is-Be’ was in the book by Lawrence Spencer, Alien Interview, linked below.