Member-only story
Two US Militaries, Too Many Aliens
Is there a secret, US military? Is anyone in Washington actually in control?
Most human organizations are tiered. Recently, with balloons blowing up the news under the guise of UFOs, people are starting to ask questions because there is suspicion that we, the citizens, and maybe even the world are being played. Do you really believe that the US Intelligence gathering agencies have just now turned on the radar for the first time in what, 20 or 30 years, only to be surprised by the number of objects ‘spying’ on us in our skies? Are they trying to provoke outrage to stir up the war machine and or to solicit more funding? Are you ready for the UFO wars?
There is parallel here with the two master parable and the two militaries.
False Flags are not just for those who believe in Conspiracy. I am sure the cry, ‘remember the Alamo’ doesn’t imply that the Alamo was staged in order to greenlight Texas Rangers into some not so nice behaviors. All humans have engaged in not nice. Just ask any indigenous people who were simply doing their thing when a neighboring village or sea faring people pushed into their territory.
Grievances can be real, they can be fiction, they can be real and fiction, and both are often exploited to rally a…