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UFOs and Psychology 101

In short, you’re not crazy if you see UFOs. But you knew that, right?

John Ege


Psychology Today has a nice little article essentially saying, you’re not crazy if you see UFOs. Yes, some humans misperceive things, but enough people, like pilots, have seen things and so ‘not all UFOs can be explained as misperceptions. Perhaps you have noticed I inserted pilots. So did the psychology today article. Even psychologists prefer ‘expert’ witnesses before they grudgingly acknowledge people can see UFOs. The article, in first person, shares a personal anecdote to emphasize I am an expert, I am not crazy, there you aren’t crazy. What happens when the experts are crazy? If UFOs are real, and government officials deny them, what does that mean for humanity?

It only take a sampling of UFO articles to realize ‘mania’ and psychological warfare is still on the table. I mean, look at the photo above! If we’re dealing with ‘stigma’ it’s because humans are playing games by casting doubt on the human agent. The Psychology Today is a reasonable article, and will be helpful to most people. There are some errors in it which may perpetuate the stigma of UFOs and mental health. There is even an error, which may increase that doubt.



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