Member-only story
UFOs and the Underground
From Deep Underground Military Bases to ancient tunnels, a history of theirs and ours, yesterday to present, the evidence is just a scratch below.
One of our most spectacular intelligence failures of our times was the revelation of secret, deep, underground military bases, DUMBs, by fitness APP. The Fitbit, designed to track your steps and facilitate and encourage good health also captured GPS coordinates. A clever fellow decided to map out the world by mapping the routes of fitness enthusiasts. It lit up the world! Cities were golden. Places out in the desert that had no cities had perimeters of unknown bases outlined. The coordinators in the bases were illuminated. No one denies secret underground and underwater bases exist. What they deny is the extent. We have cities beneath us! And you wonder why the world governments could care less about maintaining the infrastructure of their nations on the surface?
Are the surface dwellers expendable? Was it an intelligence failure, or was the fit-bit incident a part of the disclosure?
Disclosure is inevitable. History is clear, there is a phenomenon and the social discourse on this has been increasing in intensity and frequency. Secret organizations do exist. That’s…